customer photos

Eleven years is a long time

2022-10-21T16:22:46+01:00October 21st, 2022|

A customer of mine from Detroit, USA, sent me a couple of photos of a strap I made for him on his Hamilton Khaki Conservation this week. I loved the photos, and wanted to use one in my gallery, but from the photos I couldn't [...]

Gallery update June 2018

2018-06-11T17:40:32+01:00June 11th, 2018|

I've just updated the website gallery with some new customer photos. As always, thanks to everyone who has submitted photos for me to use. I get sent lots of photos every week for which I'm very grateful. It's never an easy decision which [...]

new gallery photos added

2017-09-01T19:36:07+01:00September 1st, 2017|

I've just spent the last hour going through the photos I've been sent in over the last month and I've selected a few of my favourites to update the gallery. The images below are some of them. The gallery has grown in size enormously [...]

Gallery update – July 2017

2018-01-31T17:53:42+00:00July 19th, 2017|

After getting all of the new leathers launched earlier this month I've finally had a little time to do some "house-keeping" this morning. Thank you to everyone who has sent me photos over the past 6 weeks - I'm always delighted to see photos [...]

New Year gallery update

2017-01-17T17:34:23+00:00January 17th, 2017|

Every couple of months I update the gallery with some new photographs that have been sent in to me by my customers. Thank you all for sending them in - I can't use all of them but seeing your photographs is without a doubt [...]

November 2016 Gallery update

2016-11-13T14:20:24+00:00November 1st, 2016|

Every couple of months I have to set some time apart to do some "house keeping". It's not a job I particularly relish because I'd much rather be making straps, but it has to be done. One bonus though is that this is the time [...]

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